Special Technology Makes Dental Care Convenient

Bringing the Latest Advancements to Boynton Beach

Advanced Technology Page

At Zarina Staller Dentistry, you’ll always get the best care possible, using the latest technologies. We have the most up-to-date equipment and keep our patients’ comfort as a focus. With a level of precision, we strive to accurately diagnose and treat dental problems with as little interference as possible, meaning you can get back to your routine quicker. We embrace technology as an integral part of our dental care and pass on advancements in dentistry to our patients through the latest equipment. Dr. Staller believes in continued training, so you can take comfort knowing that every time you sit in her chair, you’ll always be in good hands, no matter what treatment you’re having. Our dental technologies are just one way we provide accurate, patient-focused care.

The Wand® – Computerized Anesthesia

An innovative alternative to traditional syringes, The Wand computer-assisted anesthesia is more comfortable for patients. With a pen-like handpiece, delivery of local anesthesia is simpler and reduces anxiety for patients. There’s no retraction like with a syringe, and multiple doses can be administered in just one puncture. The Wand’s patented technology controls both the flow and pressure of the anesthesia, and make the process of numbing better for both dentist and patient. We’re excited to equip our office with technology that benefits our patients.


Our diagnodent revolutionizes the way we check for cavities in your teeth. This technology can target and detect even the smallest areas of decay, which can save your teeth from needing more complicated intervention in the future. Tooth decay often starts between the teeth and in hard to see areas when using traditional methods. The diagnodent emits a small laser that detects fluorescence under the surface of the tooth and allows the dentist to find susceptible areas. This diagnostic technology is painless and convenient, and we’re happy to offer our patients this advanced dental care.

Dental patient testimonials


After having two different consultations with other doctors that recommended between 8 to 10 porcelain veneers for my cosmetic case, Dr. Staller told me something that I never expected to hear! She only recommended 4 porcelain veneers as a conservative approach! She told me my teeth are extremely healthy and the other teeth only needed minor adjustments. Here I was looking for somebody to give me the best price on 10. What really convinced me to go with Dr Staller were her final words: “Let’s try a conservative approach and if you not happy with the results we can always do the rest of the teeth”. Sure enough…her confidence with my treatment paid off! It’s been a year since she did my 4 veneers and nobody can tell! They look extremely natural and I’m thankful that she didn’t need to do anything else! I always heard Dr Staller was conservative but I wasn’t sure what that meant until I met her! I’m very happy I found her!!